Introduction or who are We?

Тема в разделе "", создана пользователем Buylegalrc, 25/11/13.

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    Buylegalrc Не покупай у меня!

    Who are We ? is a leading research chemical vendor in UK and Europe, offering retail and wholesale distribution of the latest research chemicals. We offer various novel services as Customized Prices, Negotiate on Every Deal, Customized Delivery from various countries worldwide and last but not least Group Buys. All of our products are very high quality and are most recommended for researchers worldwide. We are analyzing market every day and adding to our list only most popular and latest research chemicals. H-NMR Spectra results are offered along with legislation status of chemicals in most popular countries of our valued customers. Our company offers high quality service to each customer and you will be surprised with our prices. You are Welcome to become one of our valued customer.


    1) Customized & Negotiate on each and every Deal!
    For your reference we offer novel service which allows you to buy product for cheaper price than listed in price list at some occasions. We Care about each customer and that is why we want to meet each customers requirements. Price for bulk orders are negotiable at all times so feel free to contact us at any time and our staff will offer you product for cheaper price or offer alternative which will surely match your requirements on price and quality. In other case if you have seen same product cheaper at some other vendor contact us and we might Beat his price and build long term business relationship.

    2) Group buys!

    Group buys service offers unique opportunity to save Money on buying same quantity of product. At time to time BuyLegalRc.Eu will send offer list for all customers which are registered on our website with fantastic offer to take part in Group buys. On each offer there will be limited amount of product, limited time to respond and limited participants number who may take part in Group buy offer. So that means that you will share 1kg 5kg or 10kg price and get your amount of product for price which would be for 1kg 5kg or 10kg. This means that you will pay almost twice less then just buy smaller amount in our web shop.

    3) Customized Shipping!

    As we understand difficulty of delivery to some countries, BuyLegalRc.Eu decided to offer novel service as Customized Shipping and Help customers receive they're orders successfully. You may contact us with your concerns about delivery and we will find best way how to deliver your parcel to your door successfully. At some cases we may even be able to deliver your product within your country border, so no customs crossing at all.

    For more information please visit our website.
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    Последнее редактирование: 28/11/13